CAN'T SAY NO (NC-17, Jazz/Prowl, In Progress)

    Beta: StormDracona
    Timeline: G1
    Status: Work-in-progress
    Wordcount: 7 167 so far
    Pairing: Jazz/Prowl
    Rating: NC-17 (for bad language, violence, mech/mech slash, graphic sticky/spark-merging sex, dub/non-con, and bondage)
    Genre: Romance/Angst/Hurt/Comfort
    Summary: How do you know if it▓s real love when your malfunction simply doesn▓t allow you to say ▒no▓? Prowl has a big problem, and Jazz▓s affection for him isn▓t helping things┘ A challenge fic written for the Transformers Kink Meme.

MORNING TEA (PG-13, Jazz/Maggie, In Progress)

    Beta-readers: Kristie (a.k.a. Ionicaq), Stephanie (a.k.a. Flamingmarsh)
    Timeline: post-movie 2007
    Status: Work-in-progress
    Wordcount: 9 127 so far
    Pairing: Jazz/Maggie
    Rating: PG-13 (for bad language and mentions of adult themes; the rating will most likely be raised in later chapters)
    Genre: Humor/Romance
    Summary: Maggie is enjoying her tea, and Jazz is asking questions.
    Author's Notes: This story now has an illustration/comic Wax On Wax Off by my friend TK-Productionz (aka Victoria). Thank you so much, Victoria, I was so happy to get such a fantastic gift! :) Also, if you would like to get a visual impression of this pairing, you definitely should watch this beautiful Jazz/Maggie Tribute created by Danisa-chan. I am really proud of the fact that it was inspired by "Morning Tea" :)

RESOLUTION (R, Jazz/humanOFC, In Progress)

    Beta: Kristie (a.k.a. Ionicaq)
    Timeline: post-movie 2007
    Status: Work-in-progress
    Wordcount: 31 501 so far
    Pairing: Jazz/humanOFC
    Rating: R (for language and violence, maybe adult themes in later chapters)
    Genre: Romance/Adventure
    Summary: A couple of months have passed since the destruction of the Allspark. A young girl named Rita is a singer in a pop-rock band. She seems to be a successful artist and have a good life, but an unknown disease is slowly killing her. To add more to her plate, strange people are hunting after her, their motives and reasons unknown. It▓s then when partially repaired Jazz appears on the horizon. And it all seems to be more serious than even the powerful Autobots could imagine...
    Author's Notes: If you are curious about what Jazz's holo-projection looks like, the pictures are here :D

TAKEN PLACE (G, Bumblebee, Sam, Complete)

    Timeline: 2007 movie-based
    Status: Complete
    Wordcount: 305
    Pairing: none
    Rating: G
    Genre: Humor
    Summary: Bumblebee comes back to Sam's house after his meeting with the Autobots, only to find his parking place taken by another car... The original idea belongs to dark_kari.

MOVE IT (PG-13, Sam/Bumblebee, Complete)

    Timeline: 2007 movie-based
    Status: Complete
    Wordcount: 1 008
    Pairing: Sam/Bumblebee
    Rating: PG-13 (nothing even remotely serious, just to be safe)
    Genre: Humor/Romance
    Summary: Sam and Bee are talking about music and... dancing.
    Dedication: This story is dedicated to Atlantia, since it was inspired by her amazing epic story Combustion.

REMOTE CONNECTION (NC-17, Sam/Bumblebee, Complete)

    Beta: Kristie (a.k.a. Ionicaq)
    Timeline: 2007 movie-based
    Status: Complete
    Wordcount: 4 580
    Pairing: Sam/Bumblebee
    Rating: NC-17 (for harsh language and very adult themes)
    Genre: Romance/PWP
    Summary: Sam told Bee of his feelings in a message, and the Autobot is quick to give a call to his human. Two boys, one phone... you do the math *cough*

MINE (NC-17, Ironhide/Will, Jazz/Epps implied, Complete)

    Timeline: 2007 movie-based
    Status: Complete
    Wordcount: 2 115
    Pairing: Ironhide/Will (Jazz/Epps implied)
    Rating: NC-17 (for bad language and very adult themes)
    Genre: Romance/Humor/PWP
    Summary: This fic was a response to the Transformers Kink Meme. Originally, the request was for Ironhide showing that Will is his bitch after being made jealous for the Nth time. Additional request was for holographic!Ironhide and electric-shock play.

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